Birthdays are the perfect time to dream and plan for our future. The time when we most reflect on where we are at and how far we have come in our lives each year is on our birthdays.
It is the perfect time to evaluate and to plan for changes. I believe more so than at a New Year, since our birthdays are more personal to us. Making resolutions at New Year has never worked for me because I am always super buzz buzz busy with the holidays. The buzz of the holidays means I have limited headspace at this time of year. Certainly I do not have adequate energy at this time to dedicate to something as important as the direction that I wish my life to go in!
Before doing The Recipe, I found myself making the same New Year’s resolutions each year…or at least, intending to make a resolution. But, by the first week of January, I would find myself in the swirl of being busy once more back at work – the very thought of resolutions now passed by.
They might resurface of course, but this was likely to be in the spirit of the following festive season & so another year passed. With this in mind, my intention for sharing this Recipe is simply to share the magic that being clear about your direction brings!
To know & respect how powerful our mind & VIBE is to ensure that you get what you wish.
If you, like I do, take time out to grab a hold of the lens of your outlook once in a while – to examine where your mind is set [taking a bird’s eye view of your life]. You are then in a position, to have the head space to honestly assess which direction & onto which path you are taking & currently choosing to carve out for your life.